We are working after the children become comfortable with all the compartments and the related adults. We aim to develop friendships across groups. We do this by arranging wards in different ways with different toys. Being able to make a choice and say: "I want to play in this because the Lego is here", rather than it is the space / the adult that defines the choice of the child. We see this as a strong sense of self-esteem; being able to choose have enormous significance for the development of the child's self-esteem. Believe that the choice is right, and to see what happens also benefits the child's self-confidence. This kind of work is very importen to us and we give it large value when it comes educate the child ready for their next phase of life after kindergarten.
Bus rides
All three groups have two fixed bus-driving days a week. The solid driving days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In addition, there will also be bus tours both Mondays and Fridays, where it can be mixed groups or the group with the oldest children.
The trips are planned to suit the theme which the staff are working with at the specific time, or if it fits into the planning it can be a trip to the birthday :-) So if you want a visit for the birthday please contact the staff in advance. We also use our Natural plot located in Fraugde-Kærby where we have a small oasis of forest, swings, hut and hills.
We also want to promote culture, so the buses will also find its way to various the Museums such as Brandt's Klæde Fabrik, Zoo, Stige Ø, Hollufgård ect.
We value self-reliance high, so when the backpack for the trip is to be packed we practiced routines with collecting the water bottle, changing clothes and using the toilet before we leave. To receive a message and to perform it without the great turn-works ;-) are an important part of their lifelong learning. We are aware of differencieres course age and which positioning the staff consume.